Awards & Honours


We've made the Finals for this years Cork Digital Marketing Awards for both BeeOnLion (Best Website – Micro Business (2 or less employees)) and EIL Explore in 3 Categories

  • Digital Superhero
  • Facebook New Business
  • Best Website - New Business


The Cork Digital Marketing Awards are organised by BiznetCork Skillnet to recognise the remarkable achievements of companies using digital to enhance consumer experience in Cork. All winners will be announced at the Cork Digital Marketing Awards in Pairc Uí Chaoimh on the 26th of October 2017.There was an overwhelming response to the 2017 Awards with almost 400 entries! 

You can find out more about the Awards here

Best of luck to all the Finalist #DigitalCork17


In September 2017 several of the companies we work with have made it through to the Semi-Fianls of the Cork Digital Marking Awards. Not only for Best Website & Social Media use but also for Digital Superhero of Cork and Best use of Digital Marketing to Showcase Cork.
The Cork Digital Marketing Awards are organised by BiznetCork Skillnet to recognise the remarkable achievements of companies using digital to enhance consumer experience in Cork.
There was an massive response to the 2017 Awards with almost 400 entries!


Several of the companies we work with have been nominated for the prestigious Cork Digital Marking Awards. Not only for Best Website & Social Media use but also for Digital Superhero of Cork and Best use of Digital Marketing to Showcase Cork.
The Cork Digital Marketing Awards are organised by BiznetCork Skillnet to recognise the remarkable achievements of companies using digital to enhance consumer experience in Cork.
There was an massive response to the 2017 Awards with almost 400 entries!


3 of the Companies we work with have been nominated for this years SME Awards all have been nominated for Community Minded Company with one also being nominated for a further Award for SME Website (Non eCommerce)


Two of the companies we work with were nominated for a Dot Net Visionary Award run by the Irish Internet Association. Dot IE is synonymous with the best of Irish online and this year both companies were nominated for Best Use of Technology for Social Good. We are delighted to be behind the scenes working for these companies The winning entry will be the entry that has developed and delivered a free online service for no other reason but to help people; social inclusion, health, education, support, save money or simply making people smile.


In May 2017 we were invited by Drupal Ireland to help promote there upcoming Drupal Camp 2017 in Dublin
This offer allowed us the opportunity to give back to the Drupal community and help promote the Drupal and it's Community within Ireland.


Finalist in Social Media Awards 2017
One of the companies we work for made the Finals of the Social Media Awards 2017 #Sockies2017 for Best Non-Profit/Organisation Twitter account


In late 2016 we were Invited to Queens University Belfast to Present “Social media Tips & Trick for Business” at the the first ever WordCamp to take place within Northern Ireland it was a huge honour and opportunity to be able to give back to the WordPress Community. This event allowed me to showcase my knowledge of not only Social Media but Web Development and how all these elements can be intertwined to result in a successful online presence.


In 2016 The Cork Chamber nominated our work for 13 separate awards including nominations for Best Website – business in existence less than 3 years & Best Use of Twitter – business with less than 20 employees.
Over 300+ applications for the Digital Marketing Awards were received by Cork Chamber from organisations of all sizes, with only 10 Awards.


In 2016 Our sister company BeeOnLion was Nominated for a WebAward in the category of Best Website of a Startup. #RealexWebs16


In 2016 two of the companies we work with made it through to this years Finals of the SME Awards for Community Minded Company. The Blacknight SME Awards were introduced in 2015 to acknowledge the hard work and achievements of small to medium sized businesses in Ireland.


The Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2015 were held on the October 2015 in the Fota Island Resort Hotel to showcase the innovative use of digital marketing in driving business performance and to spotlight effective digital marketing strategy by Cork Businesses. In 2015 one of the companies we work with won another Digital Marketing Award for Best use Website


One of the many companies we work Won the Digital Experience Category in the JCI Cork FBA’s (Friendly Business Awards)! Out of 190 nominations!

The Friendly Business Awards is the JCIs business program where they recognise the pivotal role small businesses play in local community. The aim of the Friendly Business Awards is to celebrate the value these businesses bring to our local communities every day.

The Cork event took place on the 2nd of Sept from 12.30 - 3pm in The Clayton Silver Springs.


The first ever Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2014 were held on the 6th November 2014 in the Kingsley Hotel to showcase the innovative use of digital marketing in driving business performance and to spotlight effective digital marketing strategy by Cork Businesses where one of the companies we work with one Digital Marketing Award (Best use of Facebook)